Dear Gymnastics families
Thank you for the recent volunteer help at the successful Ribbon day and with helping around the club/fundraising. Your energy and practical help are very much appreciated.
Term 4 dates to remember:
- Classes restart the week beginning Monday 15th October.
- Active Attitude (Whangarei) Ribbon Day Steps 1 and 2, Saturday 10th November 1pm
- Kerikeri Half Marathon 17th November annual fundraiser. Need people to help.
- Christmas Parade 24th November – Gymnastics float
- End of year classes and prize-givings run from December 10-14th.
- Competition Class and Display and Senior prize-giving, Sunday 16th December 1pm.
You are all very welcome to come along to a committee meeting with your ideas/help for the club. We need you! Next meeting Tuesday 16th October, 7.15pm.
The AGM is planned for Tuesday 30th October at 7pm, all very welcome.
Our Term 4 cleaning roster still requires some volunteers, please email Rebecca at if you can offer an hour per term.
Keep an eye out for Movie Fundraiser in Term 4 – more news to follow!
We are also taking bookings for Birthday Parties, from after Labour weekend.
Thanks to those that paid their fees on time. However, $2000 is still outstanding and we are struggling to pay for our rent, coaches fees, power etc. Non-payment means that your child will not be accepted in to next terms classes unless arrangements have been made with the club.
Thanks again for your support,
Kerikeri Gym Club Committee