Great News!!
Earlier this year we were granted $23,000 from the Lotteries Foundation in order to get a Feasibility Study done. This study is a requirement of all large community projects and without it we would be unable to apply for any large grants or funding.
Faye Freeman of Freeman Associates took on the task last year, and as of last week, the Feasibility Study for a new gymnasium is officially completed! Even better, it is HUGELY positive and supportive of our new building. Faye has analysed the past, current and future running of the club and confirmed that it IS feasible for Club to build our own purpose-built gymnasium in the Waipapa Sports Ground. Not all Feasibility Studies are in support of projects, so it’s really awesome to see that ours is now officially endorsed. Because of the positive outcome, we are now able to apply for all sorts of grants and approach businesses with sponsorship proposals.
So What Now? We NEED You
We know that every member of our gym wants a new building – in our survey last year 80% of members said our current building is a deterrent for attracting or retaining members, and a whopping 90% supported the development of our own purpose-built facility at Bay Sport in Waipapa.
[box style=”rounded”]So now we need those 90% to step forward and make it happen![/box]
We have roughly 160 children at our gym who would all LOVE to be able to train in a warm, dry, well-lit gymnasium. The opportunity for them to do so is well within reach if we can keep our current momentum going!
Roger Ackers has very kindly stepped forward and offered to be our Project Manager and to ensure that we stay on target with our fundraising efforts.
Roger needs a team of people to work alongside him. This is not a case of ‘someone else will do it’. Please seriously consider stepping forward to help out – we absolutely cannot build this gymnasium without your help.