This is our first major fundraising event for our new gym building project so make sure you book this date in your diary! Bring along plenty of cash to bid on auction items, buy raffles tickets to help our fundraising efforts.
WHERE: Turner Centre, Downstairs
WHEN: 7.30pm to 10.00pm, 24 September 2016
TO BOOK: Register a table email: or phone Janet on 021-051-7766. DOWNLOAD A TABLE REGISTRATION FORM
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Tables are made up of up to 10 people and cost $100. There are also table nibbles available for an extra $50. $15 per head for a great night of entertainment and food. You can register your table at the club, make sure you get in quick as numbers are limited and are now on sale. We can also put you in a team if you don’t have a full table, just let us know.
Raffle prizes
We are asking all members to donate an item to go into our raffles, minimum value of $10 please. These items can be dropped off at the gym anytime between now and Thursday 15 September. These can be anything from food items, wine, toiletries etc.
Competitive Gymnasts
On the night raffle tickets will be sold by all competitive gymnasts. All children must be accompanied by a caregiver so please let us know if you need to join a table and we will find one for you.
Auction items
We will also be holding auctions on the night and for this we need to get in some great prizes. Talk to your friends, local businesses and get them on board. We’ve already got vouchers from Salt Air, Fullers Great Sights, Kiwi Parasail and R Tucker Thompson sailing ship to name a few. We also have some great local art and we need more! All sponsors will be acknowledged.